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Located in Milford CT, The Anderson Insurance Agency is an independent agent with the customer in mind. We have relationships with dozens of insurance companies, allowing you to get the right price with the right service. Whether you have the ideal history, preferred companies desire, or a not so perfect history, we find the right coverage, with the best company, at the best price for you.
Quickly and easily submit your application for a free insurance quote using our easy to use website. As a customer, you will enjoy our suite of customer service forms all from your local agent.
Agent or Advocate
Take the test: Do you have an Agent or an Insurance Advocate?
- Alerts me to policy changes that can cut my premium months or even years after the policy was first written.
- Understands my personal situation well enough to offer accurate and appropriate insurance protection.
- Keeps a vigilant watch over my policies, periodically recommending adjustments to coincide with my own lifestyle changes.
- Is independent and represents me, not any particular insurance company.
- Provides a comprehensive mix of insurance protection to meet all my personal and business needs.
24/7 Service
You expect friendly service from any business that you work with. We strive go beyond friendly employees to provide you with the service you need, when you need it.
Your insurance coverage is never “off the clock” and neither are we. Some things just cannot wait until Monday or even the next morning. Use our convenient customer service forms to submit information to us 24/7.
Click Here for Customer Service Forms
Click Here to File a Claim
Click Here to Make a Payment
On the menu to the left, you can select the appropriate line of business tab for additional information.
For a general inquiry: (203) 877-4581